News and Events
LLP "NMSK" Kazmortransflot "received several applications for assistance from needy citizens, in this connection, a fundraising was organized among the Company's employees, the collected funds were directed to the following purposes:
Material aid to Saytenovu Aslanu to the invalid of the 2nd group, diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, to organize treatment in accordance with the diagnosis. (mobile 8 771 5816067)
Material assistance to Kosaev Amangeldy, a disabled person of the 1st group, diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, to organize treatment in accordance with the diagnosis. (mobile 8 705 2895476)
Tursyngalieva Zhannat, a material aid in payment of public utility services debts, a lonely mother with many children who is experiencing considerable financial difficulties living at the address 1-10-4 (mobile 8 778 6499315)
Acquisition of essential products for Amanturlieva Aigul, a single mother with three children, currently experiencing significant financial difficulties. (mobile 8 778 5610777)
Dear colleagues!
Huge gratitude for your charity and solidarity!
Those who wish can apply to these phones for additional assistance.