National maritime carrier
National Maritime Shipping Company Kazmortransflot LLP (KMTF) is the largest shipping company in Kazakhstan
established by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1998.
The only participant of KMTF is NC KazMunayGas JSC.

Aidar Orzhanov
Dear reader!
Welcome to the official website of the national sea carrier NMSC Kazmortransflot LLP. In 1998 by the Decree of the Government the maritime shipping company was established, and for more than 26 years we have been successfully developing and contributing to the national maritime fleet of Kazakhstan. In first place, on behalf of the company and my own I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all our clients and partners for their unwavering support and co-operation. We are proud of the fact that we have formed a qualified and united team committed to professional standards, while continuing to successfully develop our capabilities, providing reliable and efficient solutions in the field of international shipping. These achievements have been made possible not only by a long-term and productive partnership, but also by the continuous efforts of all generations of our managers and employees. I hope that on our website you will find useful information about the company's operations, its prospects and the values we share.
General Director Chairman of the Management Board
KMTF in numbers
Development strategy
Mission of LLP «NMSC «Kazmortransflot» is to further develop national merchant marine and service fleet to ensure safe, reliable and cost-effective maritime transport, both in the Caspian region, and outside the Caspian Sea water area.
The vision of LLP «NMSC «Kazmortransflot» – highly efficient, cost-effective, competitive, internationally recognized integrated shipping company that meets the highest international standards of navigation safety.
Business geography
The head office of Kazmortransflot. A port city in western Kazakhstan on the shores of the Caspian Sea.