An Integrated Management System (IMS) has been implemented and is effectively functioning in LLP "NMSC Kazmortransflot" (hereinafter referred to as KMTF).
The management system of KMTF complies with the requirements of the following international standards:
- ISO 9001 "Quality Management Systems"
- ISO 45001 "Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems"
- ISO 14001 "Environmental Management Systems"
ISO standards incorporate the best practices and principles of management, such as risk-based thinking and a process approach. Their adoption represents a strategic decision by KMTF.
IMS Policy of LLP "NMSC Kazmortransflot"
The policy is developed and approved by the General Director (Chairman of the Management Board). It consolidates the company's leadership's intentions and directives in the areas of occupational health, environmental protection, industrial safety, and quality. The "KMTF Policy on Quality, Safety, and Environmental Protection" outlines these principles.
The maturity assessment, process verification, and confirmation that the company complies with the best international practices are conducted annually through external audits by an independent certification body with special accreditation.
Currently, the scope of IMS certification and the list of certified areas can be found in the obtained IMS compliance certificates.
- ISO 9001 Certificate
- ISO 14001 Certificate
- ISO 45001 Certificate