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On 4 September 2024, Turlan Medina, Head of Business Development Department of Kazmortransflot received a state medal from the Head of State Qasym-Jomart Tokayev.
The medal ‘Eren enbegi ushin’, which is awarded for significant achievements in professional activities and outstanding contribution to the development of the country, was a well-deserved recognition of Turlan Medina many years of labour and contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's maritime transport and oil industry. During more than 17 years of work in ‘Kazmortransflot’ he made a significant contribution to the development of the national maritime shipping company.
The collective of ‘Kazmortransflot’ sincerely congratulates Medina Turlan on this high recognition and expresses confidence that his professionalism and determination will continue to serve as a source of inspiration for all employees of the company.