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Aydar Orzhanov, the General Director of NMSC Kazmortransflot, is awarded the Medal of National GratitudeThe General Director of NMSC Kazmortransflot, Aydar Orzhanov, is awarded the Medal of National Gratitude. Medal «National gratitude» - is a state award of the Republic of Kazakhstan, established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan the medal is awarded to citizens of Kazakhstan, productively working in the fields of education, health, social protection, as well as particularly distinguished themselves in the fight against the pandemic.
Also Aidar Esenzhanovich was awarded with a jubilee medal «For services in development of transport» and a breastplate of the Union of transport workers of Kazakhstan «KAZLOGISTICS».
А. Orzhanov, in turn, thanked the team of KMTF and noted that «These awards are common for the entire team of KMTF, as it is the merit of the entire team, the result of joint work».