News and Events
On October 14, 2019, the specialist of the Human Resources Department of NMSK Kazmortransflot, a member of the Youth Council Anton Demko took part in a dialogue meeting between employers and graduate students.
The event was held in Almaty on the basis of Turan University as part of the Youth Week. It was organized by the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan “KAZLOGISTICS”.
During the meeting, Anton Demko made a report that the audience really liked. Anton told the audience about the company’s activities, personnel, social and youth policies (the KMTF has a Youth Council). In more detail, the specialist dwelt on the main achievements of Kazmortransflot, its role in the development of the oil industry of Kazakhstan, and the transport and logistics sector.
“I was lucky to become a member of the friendly and ambitious team of Kazmortransflot,” he summed up.
For an excellent report and active participation in the KAZLOGISTICS Transport Workers Youth Week, Anton Demko was awarded a certificate of gratitude.