News and Events
On March 19, 2021, a festive online event dedicated to the spring holiday of Nauryz was held at NMSC Kazmortransflot (hereinafter - KMTF).
Orzhanov Aidar Esenzhanovich, General Director of KMTF, has congratulated his colleagues on the holiday. “Nauryz is a reflection of the common roots of the peoples of the East. Hence the similarity of traditions. The holiday is celebrated by over 300 million people in 30 countries.
“Congratulating all of you on the wonderful holiday of Nauryz, I want to wish every family peace, friendship, harmony and unity! " - said the General Director of the company in his congratulations.
In honor of the holiday, good wishes were sounded from the team members, who hoped that the pandemic period would soon leave the country and KMTF team would meet the next Nauryz by good tradition on the open air.